‘In-Video’ Search that saves you time & resources

You're looking for real fans and valuable 'In-Video' mentions. We give you powerful insights and engagement data by product, category, brand and competitor that will help you crush your next personalization marketing campaign.

Our AI-driven ‘In-Video’ search scans the audio, images and text within each video for:
Positive & Negative Sentences 
Trending Topics & Keywords
Trending Videos & Creators
Ethnicity, Age, Gender
Experts, Fans, Press or Sponsored
Profanity, Minors and Nudity
Indoor or Outdoor Scenes
Speech, Music, Noise, Silence

We also feature likes, views, number of comments, geolocation and more. All so you know who you might be the best fit for marketing personalization. 

Gain insights about your audience, competitors and influencers

The Analytics Dashboard provides you with a wealth of deep, analytical information. Whether it's creator data, content categorization or segmentation, we give you powerful information to inform your marketing strategy and business decisions.

'In-Video' product-feature search
Rate, rank videos & creators
Filter, sort & sift to build custom lists
Create notes, flag & favorite 
Download .CSV lists & .PDF reports

More than 70 proprietary filters

We give you the ability to drill down and surface the best and worst insights, trending topics and critical demographics so you can dial-in personalization and messaging.

Vyrill is not simply a tool for getting video insights; it's the new gold standard for saving time and money by managing hours of video data at your fingertips.

We offer multiple filters in the following categories:

Time and dates
'In-Video' Search
Product Features

Vyrill serves most consumer industries

Home Improvement

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